
Teen Writing Workshop : Summer 2020

Elaine Mitchell

Where I'm From

I am from Onate Chicken Feed,

From “Organic” and “Gluten Free”.

I am from library books and adobe walls and a sticky back door.

I am from the sweet green peas,

The majestic willow tree

Whose long-gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I’m from picnics by the river and responsibility,

From Gonzales and Mitchell.

I’m from left-out socks and board games

From lectures and forgotten chores

Whose long-gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I’m from “Life’s not always fair,” and “Feed the ducks before 8 o’clock,” and

“Elena, it takes two people to fight.”

I’m from Placita, New Mexico.

I’m from Anasazi beans and home-grown beef,

Eye-rolling sisters and nosy grandparents.

I’m from mi abuela Cordelia’s old cutting board

Whose long-gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.
