
Teen Writing Workshop : Summer 2020

Feliciana Mitchell

Where I'm From

I am from old adobe houses.

From sticky, crumby floors.

And wet dish towels

I am from duck and chicken keepers,

cow and horse feeders,

TV and board games.

I am from the tall hay grass

 And bright orange daylilies

The wonderful smelling juniper trees

Whose long-gone limbs

I remember as if they were my own.

I am from long family strategy game nights

And ridiculous jokes.

From Gonzales & Mitchell.

I’m from tree climbing and skinned knees

o98i``` From fun flashing movie nights

And the quiet beauty of hiking the Pelota together

Whose long gone-limbs

I remember as if they were my own.

I’m from “Don’t forget to feed the ducks!”

And “Felicies, lifes not fair.”

And “What did you learn today Ana?”

I’m from Placita, New Mexico

I’m from home grown beef

And thick corn gorditas

And lots of fresh eggs from our chickens.

From our cozy house that was built

By my great grandfather Abran Gonzales

Whose long gone-limbs I remember as if they were my own.
